I’m so sad today. My baby girl became an Angel yesterday. She fought hard but unfortunately cancer won. I am lost today and wanting to touch her again, tell her I love her kiss her and hold her close. I know she is not in any pain now. She will stay in my heart forever.
I am so very sorry for your loss. My heart is broken. Love from me and Thurston.
Oh no! I’m so sorry to read this sad news. When you are ready, and if you feel up to it, please share more about Smiley. We are so sad, it’s like she just joined us and we were just getting to know her.
My heart goes out to you. It’s so tough to say goodbye but I have a strong suspicion that your adorable, sweet ol’ gal is closeby. Listen and watch for signs, she’s always around.
You have my sincere condolences.
I miss this girl so much. But she is still around. I can since her watching me and her companion Rudy. Rudy had been her companion for over 10 years. He had a rough month after Smiles crossed the Rainbow Bridge but with extra attention on him and lots walks and rides he has started to become less depressed. I often wonder if he thinks of her like I think of her everyday. He seems to since her presence at times and I sometimes call her name out when calling him and he starts looking around the yard for her. We are both doing better but there’s still a missing piece of our hearts. I know she is up in heaven running on all fours now. I know she is with Jager who got her harness. She will always be in our minds and heart. Miss you baby girl.