I’m so sad today. My baby girl became an Angel yesterday. She fought hard but unfortunately cancer won. I am lost today and wanting to touch her again, tell her I love her kiss her and hold her close. I know she is not in any pain now. She will stay in my heart forever.
Smiley’s Red Harness
In the spring of 2008 I was an animal control officer and received a call about a vicious dog. When I got there she was hiding under a bush and smiling at me. That began my life with Smiley. She had a a crooked tooth and didn’t look like much so I knew she would be overlooked for adoption. I adopted her and she and I patrolled the county in search of stray animals. Smiley now spends her days as the Alpha dog in our pack. She may be little but she’s tough. So when she was diagnosed with MCT in her front left leg I had a hard time deciding on amputation, but Smiley had always been a fighter and I knew she would be able to handle it. It has been a lot harder on me. She is 12 now and I look forward to having her around for awhile.